Because we find what is good at home
Why go far afield? So many delicious things thrive and grow around our hotel. We rely on the treasures of nature. On the skills, the passion and the lifeblood of our regional producers. It is a gift to be able to draw from the wealth of our region. We hope that you will love it as much as you will taste it.

If you are well connected to the land and the people, you don't need long transport routes and anonymous producers. We buy everything that lands onto your plate from as close as possible. From people we know by name. Farmers, bakers, fishermen and other producers from the immediate area provide us with the ingredients we need every day. Fresh herbs from our own hotel garden provide the necessary spice.
We attach great importance to many home-made components. We cook and preserve. We take the summer and autumn into the winter. Strawberries, raspberries and other local fruits are made into jams. The cakes at the afternoon buffet come fresh from our oven each day. From pasta to sauces: Every dish in the evening is handmade. And each of the four seasons inspires our culinary artists to create different flavours.